Monthly Call

Every 2nd Monday


(319) 527-4451


Support the Safer Supervision Act

The Safer Supervision Coalition is a bipartisan, citizen-led organization dedicated to ensuring public safety and fostering thriving communities. They work in reforming federal supervised release with evidence-based policies to lower recidivism, support successful...

Reinstate Voting Rights for Returning Citizens

Our Dear Rita has published on behalf of all of us, liked minded people on this topic, a petition that we ask you to support by signing it here: We Thank You in advance for your support for this...


Save the date! March 2025 in DC!

We all have an opportunity to protest the U.S. Supreme Court decision, Smith v. Doe, in March 2025 near the steps of that court. We need to inform the Court, in general, and John Roberts, in particular of the significant harm being caused by that decision and demand...

Voting Rules by State

Restoring the vote to all returning citizens is supported on the basis of principles such as rehabilitation, reintegration, and equal representation. Advocates argue that individuals who have served their sentences should have their voting rights reinstated as it...

The Dobbs Wire:  Shadow Prisons??

   Prison Policy Initiative, a criminal justice think tank, has an important new post shining a spotlight on little-known ‘shadow prisons’ which exist in states around the country.  That’s where thousands are locked up indefinitely--individuals who have already been...

California’s oldest state prison will get overhauled

‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌  Highlights ✔️ California's oldest state prison will get overhauled into a "one-of-a-kind" correctional institution that borrows rehabilitation practices from places such as Norway.✔️ Under the proposed $20 million plan, San Quentin State...

Support Second Chances

    Why do we celebrate Second Chance Month®? For most of us, our worst choices don’t trap us forever. But unreasonable laws block the path to a brighter future for millions of Americans with a criminal record—often long after they’ve been held accountable. These...

CCNCR at TeamWork Makes the Dream Work 2023

Imagine a world without the registry. Imagine being free after paying one’s debt to society. And imagine not being defined by your worst mistake for the rest of your life. This is what the brave and committed people imagined who attended the WAR conference in DC last...

The Dobbs Wire: It’s a WIN in the Minnesota Supreme Court

The Dobbs Wire:   It’s a WIN in the Minnesota Supreme Court--a new ruling concerning the Minnesota sex offense civil commitment program (MSOP)!  The case is about the interminable delays by which the state consumes constitutional and human rights to...

Vicki Henry from WAR joining our call

Dear Friends, We are pleased to have Vicki Henry from WAR joining our call. Please listen in to hear more about the 2023 Washington Conference. Please plan on joining us for CCNCR's national monthly phone conference. You must announce your first name...


My life in the shadows

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in...