Imagine a world without the registry. Imagine being free after paying one’s debt to society. And imagine not being defined by your worst mistake for the rest of your life. This is what the brave and committed people imagined who attended the WAR conference in DC last month. They gathered together, along with our CCNCR advocate, Rita Finley, to continue to shine light on the injustices suffered by those on the registry and their families. Heartbroken people who have experienced the unspeakable pain of the treatment of their loved ones by the criminal legal system, but yet continue to fight for what we all know is right. Sweet, ordinary people who never thought they would be in this position now have had a brutal lesson in the reality of the unfair laws. However, still they all joined together to do what it takes to not let the public know the politicians forget us or our cause. To quote Johnny Cash..”I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime, but is there because he’s a victim of the time. But just so we’re reminded of the ones who are held back, upfront there ought to be a man in black”. We, fellow advocates are the “ man in black”.