Washington, D.C. just became the first jurisdiction in the country to pass universal second look legislation into law, but now it’s under Congressional attack and we need your help to protect the future of second chances across the country. This fall, the D.C. Council passed a landmark sentencing reform bill, the Revised Criminal Code Act (RCCA), that would expand D.C. second look law to make everyone in the District of Columbia eligible to have their sentence reviewed by a judge after 20 years in prison. The District of Columbia is the first jurisdiction in the country to pass a second look law that doesn’t exclude anyone based on their offense or sentence. The RCCA sets an essential precedent that will help us fight to pass universal second look legislation in every state. The RCCA also contains many other critical sentencing reforms: it would abolish almost all mandatory minimums, cap maximum sentences at 45 years in prison, and end accomplice liability for felony murder – among many other important changes. Now, the RCCA is under attack from opponents of sentencing reform in Congress. Congress has the power to ignore the will of D.C. voters and representatives and block the RCCA from going into effect. The House of Representatives has already passed a resolution of disapproval to do so. Now it’s up to the Senate to decide whether to pass that resolution. Urge your Senators to vote NO on the RCCA disapproval resolution by using our form to send them a message. Click here to help defend second chances – your voice matters. Thank you, Liz Komar Sentencing Reform Counsel |
Liz Komar Sentencing Reform Counsel Email: lkomar@sentencingproject.org |